Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 4 - 8 and 11 - 15

(March 4 - 8)

  1. This week, we will be taking a Critical Reading benchmark.  This test is a snapshot of how well you can read a short non-fiction article, develop an interpretation, understand the author’s choices, and express your ideas in writing.  It is important to try your best on this benchmark, even if you are unsure of the answers.
  2. Play Zero Hour Threat 

(March 11 - 15)
This week we will 
  1. Continue taking the Critical Reading benchmark
  2. Mini BAT Testing Online
  3. Data Chat. 
80% or higher understanding of ten steps to college reading skills by effectively analyzing the article, or text.

For the benchmark testing, you will 
  • read an article from Part 2 of Ten Steps to Improving College Reading skills  
  • answer twenty multiple-choice  
  • answer (1 - 2) open-ended questions.  
After you have read the article, circle  the best answer for each multiple-choice question. 

For open-ended questions, you must explain and support your answer with information from the article.

Writing Extension Activity

I heard that 'Creeks first attempt to do the Harlem Shake during B Lunch on Friday was a bust; turning into a food fight, so the Collaborize Classroom topic this week is: 

Can you REALLY Harlem Shake? Or are you doing the Chicken Noodle Soup? Which came first? The Chicken or the Shake?

You will have until March 31st to READ, RESPOND, and post videos of you and your friends doing the Harlem Shake to share with your peers.  Don't forget to critique at least three entries and to give your analysis of what you read and/or observed.  

REMEMBERThe kind of criticism we do in our classes is applied criticism - as opposed to theoretical criticism. Students are supposed to use the feedback to improve their writing and/or work. Be a "good" critic and try to give at least "two" positive comments for every one "needs to improve". (2:1). 

Have fun with this assignment!  Can't wait to see your submissions!