the Critical Reading Section of
the SAT
Prepared by Leslie A. Marcoccio, 2/25/2012
1. _____ Go to Passage – Based Reading Practice (EASY), The College Board recommends that you spend MOST of your time Passage - Reading as the Sentence Completion Exercises are HARD.
1. ASK Questions such as
-Why did the author write this? -What's the purpose of this paragraph? -Why include this example?
2. Practice Passage Mapping (During Reading)
1. Main idea or function of paragraph
2. Places the author reveals opinion
3. Location of important details and examples
2. _____ Go to Sentence Completion (HARD). Requires memorization of difficult vocabulary, common sense and logic. I recommend you play the vocabulary games as they become available on this site, on the Games page.
Kaplan Method for Sentence Completions:
1. Read the sentence for clues.2. Predict an answer for the blank BEFORE looking at the answer choices.
3. Select a choice that BEST matches your prediction
This plan requires you to use the following resources (I suggest you bookmark the following links).
1. SAT Skills Insight Reading. The College Board recommends that you start at the lowest score band (200 - 290) and work yourself up to the 700 - 800 score band.
If you do not have access to a computer at home, and you can only use the computer during class, start in the 700 - 800 score bands then go down to the 200 - 290 score band, if necessary.
2. PSAT/NMST Skills Insight The College Board recommends that you start at the lowest score band (20 - 29) and work yourself up to the 700 - 800 score band.
If you do not have access to a computer at home, and you can only use the computer during class, start in the 70 - 80 score bands then go down to the 20 - 29 score band, if necessary.
3. TP Online (optional) This is the TP Learning Center Students in my class should sign - in. If you do not have an account, you can try it out FREE. Use the Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, 5/e, Ten Steps to Advancing College Reading Skills, 5/e and Ten Steps to Advanced Reading workbooks.
4. Kaplan SAT Critical Reading Workbook (suggested)
I can't recommend this book because this is the first year I am using it. However, I am suggesting it as a viable resource because it focuses explicitly on Critical Reading Skills.
It contains:
-10 Sentence Completion Practice Sets
-8 Short and 8 Long Reading Comprehension Practice Sets.
-2 Practice Tests with Explanations.
Day 1
Determining the Meaning of Words
_____ Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading – Score Band 700 – 800 score bands.
_____ Select Skill Group 1
_____ Go to Example 1: Use the context of a sentence or larger section of text to determine the meaning of unknown words or to differentiate among multiple possible meanings of words.
a. _____ Read the question. DO NOT reveal the answer.
b. _____ View the Passage.
c. _____ Answer the question
d. _____ Reveal the answer to see how you did.
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
_____ Click on Example 2: Understand how syntax (the arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence) influences the relationship among words and ideas within a sentence.
a. _____ Read the Example.
b. _____ Answer the question
c. _____ Reveal the answer to see how you did.
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
_____ Click on Example 3: Demonstrate increased comprehension of specialized vocabulary
a. _____ Read the Example.
b. _____ Answer the question
c. ______ Reveal the answer to see how you did.
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
Lesson 17 Specialized Vocabulary (Handout)
Practice Set One
Practice Set Two
A. Kaplan Method for Passage Mapping:
1. Concise, quick notes
2. Underline key details & circle key words
B. Kaplan Method for Sentence Completions:
1. Read the sentence for clues.
2. Predict an answer for the blank BEFORE looking at the
answer choices.
3. Select a choice that BEST matches your prediction
A Few Notes About Contextual Vocabulary
Contextual vocabulary questions ask you to identify the meaning of a word within the context of the passage. The best way to do contextual vocabulary questions is to treat them as sentence completion questions:
1. Read the sentence before and the sentence after the line with the word in it.
2. Imagine that there is a blank where the relevant word is
3. Look for clues within the sentences, and direction triggers (words or punctuation that indicate the direction of the sentence) to predict the "blank"
4. Predict the word that goes in the "blank"
5. Find the answer choice that is closest to your prediction.
6. Make sure that answer choice is a possible definition of the word
While reading…
• look for words with familiar roots. Think about how roots, prefixes and suffixes work together.
• use the context of the rest of the sentence to determine the meanings of unknown or multiple meaning words (such as light or run).
• consider root words to help determine the meaning of an unknown or difficult word.
When encountering an unknown or difficult word in a text, try to find out if that word is jargon, or the specialized vocabulary of a specific field.
When encountering an unknown word or a word with multiple meanings (such as light or run) in a text, look at the context of the sentence for clues to what the word means.
When reading, pick out a long sentence and break it down into smaller parts. Think about how the structure of the sentence creates relationships among the ideas in the sentence. Think about how words like but, although, and also create certain relationships.
• identify a compound or complex sentence and break it down into smaller parts. Think about how those parts work together and consider how the structure of the sentence sets up relationships among the ideas in the sentence.
When reading a text (such as a newspaper or magazine article) about an unfamiliar subject, look for words that might be part of a specialized vocabulary — that is, words that are primarily used within a certain field — and determine their meaning. Choose a subject and find a book written by a specialist for other specialists in that field, looking for specialized vocabulary words in the text
Day 2
Author’s Craft
_____ Go toSAT Skills Insight Reading – Score Band 700 – 800
_____ Select Skill Group 2
• When reading a text, consider how the author carefully uses literary devices (such as understatement, mood, allusion, allegory, paradox, voice and authorial persona) and figurative language. Think about how the author’s language and use of devices affect the text.
Skills needed for this band
SKILL 1: Infer an author’s purpose for writing
• When reading a text, think about why the author chose to write it. Consider both what the author says in the text and what can be inferred.
How to Improve:
A. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading . Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading .
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
SKILL 2: Recognize the use of irony and the effects of other sophisticated
literary devices, such as symbolism, in a text.
• When reading a text, consider how the author’s language and the structure of the text affect the way the author makes his or her point. Think about what kind of support the author provides. Consider: Does the author speculate, cite facts or express an opinion? How does the author’s tone relate to the topic?
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight . Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading .
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
REVIEW TP Online Chapter 8 – Purpose and Tone
_____ Exercise 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
REVIEW TP Online Chapter 10 – Critical Reading
_____ Exercise 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
SKILL 3: Determine the function of words and devices in limited sections of text
• As you read a text, consider how the author carefully uses literary devices (such as understatement, mood, allusion, allegory, paradox, voice, and authorial persona) and figurative language. How does the author’s language and use of devices affect the text?
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
SKILL 4: Analyze how an author achieves specific effects using rhetorical devices and strategies
• When reading a text, consider the author’s use of rhetoric. Think about how the author tries to make himself or herself believable and how the author uses
evidence to support his or her point. Think about how the author’s use of rhetoric supports his or her purpose.
How to improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. As you read a text, consider the author’s use of rhetoric.
o There are many ways to explore and analyze a text besides formal criticism.
o Authors use a wealth of rhetorical strategies to convey their messages.
o Authors use a variety of stylistic elements like diction, imagery, syntax, structure, tone and detail to convey their feelings and opinions.
o Using the techniques of formal criticism can enhance the reader's enjoyment and understanding of a text.
Essential Questions
o How does the author try to make himself or herself believable?
o How does the author use evidence to support his or her point?
o How does the author’s use of rhetoric supports his or her purpose?
C. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
3/2/2012 Practice Set Three & Practice Set Four
A. Kaplan Method for Passage Mapping:
1. Concise, quick notes
2. Underline key details & circle key words
B. Kaplan Method for Sentence Completions:
1. Read the sentence for clues.
2. Predict an answer for the blank BEFORE looking at the
answer choices.
3. Select a choice that BEST matches your prediction
Be prepared (This means have Practices Three & Four COMPLETE) to meet with me in the computer Lab on Monday, March 5th to review correct answers. This should only take 10 minutes.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Reasoning and Inferencing
_____ Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading – Score Band 700 - 800
_____ Select Skill Group 3
Skills needed for this band
SKILL 1: Perform complex reasoning tasks on short sections of text
• When reading a challenging text, think about the assumptions that underlie the author’s position. Think about what the author assumes about the world. Consider:
Are the author’s assumptions logical? Are his or her assumptions defensible? Does the reader’s view of the author and his or her assumptions affect the reader’s understanding of the text?
SKILL 2: Determine an author’s unstated assumptions and develop inferences from explicit evidence in different sections of a text
• When reading a text (such as an essay or newspaper article), think about what the author is trying to say, either directly or indirectly. Think about what the author states, and what can be guessed about what he or she thinks or feels. Identify the evidence in the text that supports any assumptions.
SKILL 3: Draw multiple extended inferences that require several steps of reasoning
While reading a text,
• think about how the author supports his or her main idea.
• choose a sentence and restate it, and then choose a whole paragraph and restate it.
SKILL 4: Draw inferences based on implications throughout a text
• When reading a text and considering the ideas in it, think about how conclusions are reached based on those ideas. Think about what can be guessed about the author and his or her feelings about a topic based on what is in the text: Is the author suggesting rather than stating a certain idea? Does it seem that the author is saying something or believes in something even if it is not directly stated? Can conclusions be drawn or predictions made based on clues in the text?
SKILL 5: Consider the entire text when making inferences, linking information to ideas both before and after a specific section
• After reading a text and determining how the author feels about a certain topic, consider how he or she would feel about a related argument. Think about how
someone with an opposing viewpoint would respond to the text, and how the author would respond to an opposing argument.
SKILL 6: Integrate both general and detailed information across texts
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
REVIEW TP Online Chapter 7 – Inferences
_____ Exercise 1 < 70, go to Exercise 2. 70 > go to Mastery Test 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1 < 70, go to Test 2, > 70 go to
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
3/5/2012 Practice Set Five
3/6/2012 Practice Set Six
3/7/2012 Practice Set Seven
3/8/2012 Practice Set Eight
A. Kaplan Method for Passage Mapping:
1. Concise, quick notes
2. Underline key details & circle key words
B. Kaplan Method for Sentence Completions:
1. Read the sentence for clues.
2. Predict an answer for the blank BEFORE looking at the
answer choices.
3. Select a choice that BEST matches your prediction
Be prepared (This means have Homework practices COMPLETED) to meet with me briefly each day to review correct answers. This should only take 10 – 15 minutes
Friday, March 9th
Organization and Ideas
_____ Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading – Score Band 700 – 800 score bands.
When reading a text, look at its organization and its style. Consider how the organization and style work together to contribute to the work’s effectiveness.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
_____ Select Skill Group 4
Skills needed for this skill band
SKILL 1: Analyze main ideas and concepts within and across complex and sometimes opposing texts
• When reading a text, think about the stated topic and also consider its larger meaning or purpose. Consider whether or not the text has a meaning beyond its
stated intention.
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
Review TP Online Chapter 4 – Implied Main Ideas
_____ Exercise 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
SKILL 2: Compare and contrast explicit and implicit supporting ideas across texts
• Find two challenging essays by different authors on the same topic. Consider how each author addresses the topic. Think about how each author treats the main idea. Consider whether the authors use similar evidence and supporting ideas or use other methods to support their main ideas.
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
REVIEW TP Online Chapter 6 – Relationships II
_____ Exercise 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
SKILL 3: Recognize components of an author’s argument within a text
• When reading an argumentative text, identify the parts of the author’s argument. Consider: What is the thesis? What evidence does the author provide? Does the author cite others? How does he or she conclude the argument?
How to Improve:
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
REVIEW TP Online Review Chapter 9 – Argument
_____ Exercise 1
_____ Exercise 2
_____ Mastery Test 1
_____ Mastery Test 2
_____ Mastery Test 3
_____ Mastery Test 4
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 1
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 2
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 3
_____ Alternate Mastery Test 4
Literary Elements
_____ Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading – Score Band 700 - 800
_____ Select Skill Group 5
SKILL 1 How to improve
• When reading a novel, short story or play, choose a character and think about what purpose he or she serves. Consider: Is the character a protagonist, an antagonist or an important minor character? Is the character a foil or a tragic hero? Does the character provide comic relief? How does the character relate to the story’s theme? How does the character affect the plot?
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
SKILL 1: Analyze characters’ function in a narrative
• When reading a novel, short story or play, identify the ways in which the characters (including the narrator) contribute to the work’s overall meaning or message. Consider the ways in which the characters relate to each other and to the narrator.
How to improve
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
SKILL 2: Interpret dialogue from a character’s or the narrator’s perspective
• When reading a novel, short story or play, pick out a line of one character’s dialogue. Think about how other characters would react to what that character says. Keep in mind what is known about each character.
How to improve
A. Go to PSAT/NMST Skills Insight. Sample questions in
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 50 – 59
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 60 – 69
_____ Critcal Reading Skill Groups 70 – 80
B. Go to SAT Skills Insight Reading.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 500–590 score bands.
_____ REVIEW the skills and examples listed in the 600–690 score bands.
The Night Before the Exam