Dear "Family",
How can we help your son/daughter succeed in school?
What can we do to help him/her succeed on high stakes tests?
Work together!
Research shows that students whose parents continue to be involved in their education in high school are more likely to
- Earn higher grades
- Earn higher test scores
- Pass their classes, earn credit and meet graduation requirements on-time.
- Attend school regularly.
- Complete homework.
- Graduate and go on to further their education.
These results occur regardless of a parent's educational level, socioeconomic status or native language spoken in the home. [More often than not, these are also the same parents that attend every school event (such as Open House) and usually, their children are not the ones who need the most help.]
As a parent, I understand that many of you may have long working hours, multiple jobs, and are exhausted--But, the stakes are very high.
If we want to help your child succeed, we need to be available, creative, and understanding ---We need to adapt to their demanding and rigorous academic schedule and find ways to help them be MORE EFFICIENT with their time.
If we want to help your child succeed, we need to be available, creative, and understanding ---We need to adapt to their demanding and rigorous academic schedule and find ways to help them be MORE EFFICIENT with their time.
Here are a few FREE On-line services offered by the Broward County Library:
Tutoring from (Daily 2 to 10 p.m.)
Live tutoring in math, science, social studies and English for students in Grades K-12, introductory college levels and Adult Learners. Available every day: 2 to 10 p.m. Assistance in these subjects is also available in Spanish.
Tutoring from Brainfuse (Daily 2 to 11 p.m.)
Live tutoring and skills-building for K-12, college and adult learners. Live help and test prep aligned to Florida standardized tests, SAT/ACT/GED, English/Language Arts, Foreign Language Lab, Writing Lab, Math (algebra to calculus), Science, and Social Studies. Live assistance available every day: 2 to 11 p.m. Assistance in these subjects is also available in Spanish.
Don't have a library card? Don't have access to a computer at home?
Libraries open on Sunday:
*African American
*Northwest Regional Library
*Nova Southeastern University Alvin Sherman Library, Research and Information
*South Regional / BC Library
*Southwest Regional Library
*West Regional Library
*Young at Art Museum/Broward County Library
*Northwest Regional Library
*Nova Southeastern University Alvin Sherman Library, Research and Information
*South Regional / BC Library
*Southwest Regional Library
*West Regional Library
*Young at Art Museum/Broward County Library
Click HERE to find libraries that check out eReader (Kindle, Fire, Kindle touch, Nook Color (8GB), Nook Simple Touch, Sony PRS 350 and 505) ! For more information, please contact Frank Marin, ,
I look forward to working with you this year to make sure that your son/daughter qualifies for graduation and has the skills needed for success in both college and his/her future career.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or need assistance.
Warm Regards,
Ms. Leslie Ann Marcoccio
CLICK HERE for my contact information. Please make sure to note BOTH your child's full name (first and last) when calling or leaving an Email.