Academic Games Day
Rational:According to Marzano "Interactive games use academic content in game-like situations to supplement traditional lectures." The use of interactive games is said to
- increase student's interest, motivation, and information retention as well as improve reasoning skills and higher order thinking.
- In addition to strengthening students academic skills, interactive games also benefit students by building and encouraging social skills.
I Do
REVIEW How to sign in to Zero Hour Threat.
a. Click tab on left margin of blogb. Log in (Register if you are a new student)
c. Click "Take the Practice Test"
d. You can skip the intro
e. Choose "ACT" or "SAT"
Choose How many questions you want to answer.
Choose How much time you want to answer each question.
We Do
Adjust rate (How many questions) and time (60 = 1 min., 120 = 2 min., etc.)
You Do
You have all weekend and Monday through Thursday of next week to practice before Game Day next Friday for Level I competition.