Thursday, February 14, 2013

Infographic of the Day: Jupiter's Moon Europa

Return to Writing Wednesday

1. Summarize the main point of the infographic. What is it trying to communicate?

 2. List any percentages, rates or measures you found interesting in the infographic and analyze the meaning and the importance of each. Try to answer the question “Why is this percentage/rate/measure important?” “Why should anyone care about this statistic/percentage?”

 3. Write a possible topic sentence for your essay. It can be a statement or an argument for[ or against] exploring Jupiter Moon Europa.

 4. Look through the information and determine if there are any words that you do not know. Write down these words or phrases, and do research on their meaning to define them.

5. In your process journal (notes), start to fill in the missing pieces of the outline below. Include at least three pieces of evidence or information about your topic sentence...

Topic sentence:

Evidence 1/Fact 1
Evidence 2/Fact 2
Evidence 3/Fact 3

Extension Activity:
Design your own Infographic using free JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) graphics and data.  Share it with your class and earn 30 extra credit points!