Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week ending 1 February, 2013 (revised)

April 8 - 10
Spring FCAT 2 Reading & Mathematics Retakes computer-based (Grades 11-AD)

Warm - up Activity (5 minutes)
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. Extension Activity (Opt.): Computer Buying Guide: Get Started
I do... (6 - 10 minutes)
  • State learning goals for Chapter 8 - Purpose & Tone
[Learning outcome: After successfully completing this chapter students should be able to:
a) identify the primary purpose of an author
b) identify the tone of a piece of writing
  • Distribute copies of the syllabus, as needed.
  • Introduce & Model how to use the "new" Learning Log. 
  • Distribute "new" Learning Portfolio Checklist (end-of-course/end-of-program)
  • Part I Review: Students use the Two-Column Notes strategy to take notes on big ideas and key concepts while the teacher lectures.  
We do... (20 minutes)
1.  Note-taking/Summarizing: (REVIEW) 
Students use Two-Column Notes strategy to summarize what they learned in chapters 1 - 7 while the teacher monitors & guides.  Time is allotted to complete the summaries and practice using the notes as a study guide.   
You do...
1. Students Pair-Share what they have learned. (Review)
  1. "What is the most important thing you learned today?"
  2. "What is the "muddiest point" of this class?"
  3. "What did you perceive to be the major purpose or objective of today’s class?" (analysis)
  4. "What relationship did you see between today’s topic and other topics previously covered in this course?" (conceptual)
NOTE: There are three times or junctures during the class period when I use minute papers: (a) at the end of class, (b) at the start of class, and (c) in the middle of class.
On the Web 
1. Visit for additional practice in identifying an author's purpose & tone. (Time is allotted to complete the exercises and mastery tests in class.) 
2. Visit "Collaborize Classroom".  
(Time is allotted to read the passage, respond to the questions and critique peer answers in class.) 

1. READ:: 
The Scholarship Jacket by Martha Salinas. (Improving College Reading Skills, pages 343 - 346)

Martha stresses again and again how important the scholarship jacket was to her and how hard she worked to win it.  Write a paragraph about something you worked hard to achieve when you were younger.
  •  How long did you work toward that goal?
  •  How did you feel when you finally suceeded?  

Or, as an alternative, write about not achieving the goal.
  •  How did you cope with the disappointment?
  • What lesson, if any, did you learn from the experience? 
3. ASSESS ::  When you are finished, go to  to take the multiple-choice quiz on this story.