Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can a concept be plagiarized? FLIPPED (Revised)

This week, we will focus on "creative license" and whether or not a "concept" can be plagiarized.  
The Problem:: 
In 2011, Beyonce's "Countdown" video sparked a huge debate over the "striking similarities" to Belgian Choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker's dance moves in Rosas danst Rosas (1983) which lead to rumors that Beyonce was a "Copycat" artist. Beyonce says she was "inspired" and that she was paying "tribute" by [the many] people and/or concepts she allegedly copied. (See Beyonce Countdown Controversy on Dance On) 

 Know the Common Core Standards!
  • RL.9-12.1.  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text [and media links/resources].
  • RI.9-12.6  Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.  Analyze how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness and beauty of the text.
  • W.9-12.2  Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Guiding Questions: (Download a copy of these questions here!)
1. Is plagiarism morally wrong? Is it a big deal? 
2. Intentional plagiarism is when a person knowingly and willfully presents someone else’s work as his/her own. 
  • By not crediting or mentioning the "inspiration" for a piece of work, does this constitute an "intent" to plagiarize? 
3. Accidental plagiarism is when a person does not understand how to properly quote, paraphrase, summarize, or cite the work of others being used in one's [work], resulting in the content being unintentionally attributed to the compiler [artist or creator] and not the original author. 
  • Can a person accidentally plagiarize an idea or a concept? 
  • Can an 'idea" be protected by law? Can ideas be patented
 4. Did Beyonce's ideas or concepts come from her own brain or imagination?
  •  Did Beyonce know or have prior knowledge of the work(s) she has been accused of plagiarizing or copying? 
5. What are the similarities between "Countdown" and "Rosas danst Rosas"? 
6. Is imitation the best flattery?
  • How is Kagemu's Black Sun (2009) and "Run the World" (2011)similar? 
  • Was Lorella Cuccarini (2010) inspired by Kagemu (2009)? 
  • How is Run the World (2011) similar to Black Sun (2009) and Lorella Cuccarini's (2010) media performances similar? 
7.  Can technology or the use of special effects be plagiarized? 
  • What about 'timing" or other effects? If an artist creates a music video and the timing of similar chunks or segments of their dance moves, costumes, set design or special effects is in sync with another artist, does the original artist have the right to call foul?
  • Should the creator or inventor of certain dance moves or special effects duplicate these inventions, almost frame by frame, from one project to another?  How do you think this affects the integrity of the performer's work? (See "Beyonce Accused of Ripping Off Billboard Awards Performance)
The Task(s)
1. READ (Refer to articles in the beginning of this assignment)
2. Download & Watch the video clips::
3.  Take a Stance! 
  • After reading and note-taking on the assigned articles and videos, decide whether or not you think someone's original or creative ideas and concepts can or should be patented.  
  • Use the Academic Writing Checklist & tips to guide your responses to questions 8 & 9 in the CIS packet.  
Featured Article::  
Beyonce's 'Countdown' Video: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Reacts to Plagiarism Allegations  From The Hollywood Reporter 5:06 PM PDT 10/10/2011 
by Sophie A. Schillaci 
     The Belgian choreographer says that she is neither angered nor honored by the tribute. While Beyoncé faces harsh criticism regarding her latest music video, choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker -- whom the singer is accused of plagiarizing -- had much kinder words to say than several viewers. “Like so many people, I was extremely surprised when I got a message through Facebook about the special appearance of my two choreographies – Rosas danst Rosas (1983) and Achterland (1990) in Beyoncé’s new videoclip 'Countdown,'” De Keersmaeker wrote in a statement to The Performance Club. 
     “Obviously, Beyoncé, or the video clip director Adria Petty, plundered many bits of the integral scenes in the film.” “People asked me if I’m angry or honored,” she continued. “Neither, on the one hand, I am glad that Rosas danst Rosas can perhaps reach a mass audience which such a dance performance could never achieve, despite its popularity in the dance world since 1980s. And, Beyoncé is not the worst copycat, she sings and dances very well, and she has a good taste! 
     On the other hand, there are protocols and consequences to such actions, and I can’t imagine she and her team are not aware of it.” Petty told MTV News that the "Countdown" video is not meant to copy, but to pay homage to several icons, including Audrey Hepburn and the Supremes. “I brought Beyoncé a number of references and we picked some out together,” Petty said. “Most were German modern-dance references, believe it or not. But it really evolved.” 
     While De Keersmaeker pondered the reason that her experimental choreography took thirty years to be recognized by pop-culture, she noted one personal coincidence between her original work and Beyoncé’s reimagining. “Everyone told me, [Beyoncé] is dancing and she is four months pregnant,” she said. “In 1996, when De Mey‘s film was made, I was also pregnant with my second child. So, today, I can only wish her the same joy that my daughter brought me.” Watch the video below, as well as a mash-up clip, which illustrates several of the most striking similarities.

Extension Activities/ Bonus Videos [ 20 points per completed analysis]

A.  Watch videos 1 - 2 music videos without the music.  Download, copy and use the attached Music Video Analysis Sheet (#12) to analyze EACH video.
B.  Analyze 1 - 2 Music Videos using the Song Analysis Worksheet